స్తోత్రము చేయుట | Sthothramu Cheyuta | Enoch Abraham | Telugu Christian Song 2023 | JCNM Worship

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స్తోత్రము చేయుట | Sthothramu Cheyuta | Enoch Abraham | Telugu Christian Song 2023 | JCNM Worship

#enochabraham #jcnm #jcnmworship

“Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.” – Psalms 141:2

As the psalmist David offers praise continually both day and night, Let us offer a prayer of thanksgiving and praise him with the lifting up of hands, Enoch Abraham is back with a song of soaking praise and gratitude-filled worship. Join us to praise the Lord of hosts.

Thanks to Samy Pachigalla : Original Song

Vocals : Enoch Abraham
Music by Nikhil Paul
DOP & Editing by Billy Vemuri

Produced by K. Shyam Kishore, K. Asha Kiran
Recording in UAE

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Telugu Christian songs lyrics

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Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministries - JCNM
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