7 Hills Worship – Hallelujah (Lyrics)

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7 Hills Worship – Hallelujah (Lyrics)

7 Hills Worship – Hallelujah (Lyrics)
listen: https://bit.ly/37GykIR

• music meets heaven •
“…apart from You I have no good thing”

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» 7 Hills Worship

Hallelujah (Lyrics)
May your sound
Be the song
Let it be our anthem

From the depths
Of our souls
Let our hearts be ransomed


We’ve seen the mountains
We’ve seen the walls
The greater the giant
The harder it falls

We’ll sing your praises
And strongholds will fall
To You be the glory
To you be it all

We’ve seen the mountains
We’ve seen the walls
The greater the giant
The harder it falls

We’ll sing your praises
And strongholds will fall

Verse 2

My relief
Prince of peace
Be all that matters

All my life
All my days
From here til after


We’ve seen the mountains
We’ve seen the walls
The greater the giant
The harder it falls

We’ll sing your praises
And strongholds will fall
To You be the glory
A a To you be it all

We’ve seen the mountains
We’ve seen the walls
The greater the giant
The harder it falls

We’ll sing your praises
And strongholds will fall


Praise the Lord
From the Heavens above
From highest of heights
To the moon and the Sun

Praise the Lord
All the stars in the sky
We sing Hallelujah
The rest of our lives

Verse 1

May your sound
Be the song
Let it be our anthem


We’ve seen the mountains
We’ve seen the walls
The greater the giant
The harder it falls

We’ll sing your praises
And strongholds will fall
To You be the glory
To you be it all

We’ve seen the mountains
We’ve seen the walls
The greater the giant
The harder it falls

We’ll sing your praises
And strongholds will fall

#musicmeetsheaven #7hillsworship #hallelujah
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The Lyrics are the property and Copyright of the Original Owners Lyrics here are For Personal and Educational Purpose only! Thanks .
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