ADONAI | Arpana Sharon | Amal Raj | Stephen Renswick | Sam K | Tamil Christian Song | AWE

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ADONAI | Arpana Sharon | Amal Raj | Stephen Renswick | Sam K | Tamil Christian Song | AWE

ADONAI was the first song God gave me, in 2009, and introduced the Name into the Tamil Christian World. With the song, He also introduced me into the field. Adonai album had come out as a CD in my late teens. At the time, I was put in a pit, but God saw that. He promised hope and a future. Although I wouldn’t see the signs of it right away. 12 years later, I would dance on mountain-tops, and in the deserts of Al Ain, delighting in my Adonai. There, I’d confess “God has made history.”

Most of my 20s, I witnessed battles after battles, I was caught up in surviving them. I lost sight of my dreams. I quit Tamil Gospel music scenes until 2018. I began working wherever God had me. Then that stopped too.

It is an honor to tell you that the Audio is from 2009, and video from 2021! What happened in-between is a whole book to be written.

In short, Adonai is a testimony of how God kept a promise, 12 years later. And He did it in the most mysterious way.

Those who have been following me for the past three years know. I didn’t ask for this video. Yet God provided. It’s like He went, “I insist.” A total surprise! Thanking Sam & Josh for being God-sent angels!

After the lock down following Um Kai’s release, I was asked to leave India, but for a reason I’d learn about only later. This trip, supposed to be another pit, ended up being a blessing. His hand came through. God revived my Adonai songs from 2009-10. He gave them wonderful visuals. I wouldn’t have done it any other way.

I can sing “Adonai, you are worthy,” and move on. But if I didn’t speak of what He’s done for my life, my ministry is incomplete. I will always testify about where I was and how God came through. I am blessed to be sharing this with you. Allow God to work His will in your life, and you’d be amazed that He silently knits together an AWE-some plan for your life. Don’t hide your testimony when the grand reveal happens. The reason behind your journey will become seeds of hope to a fellow-pilgrim. Tell them the mountain-top is worth it. Our Yahweh is worth it. Our Adonai is worth it. The Holy Spirit is worth it.

P.S. I find it interesting God’s releasing this song at such a time as this.

Songwriter: Arpana Sharon
(Written between 2008-2010)

MUSIC Credits:
by Stephen J Renswick, Sam K Jebaraja
Additional keys: Prakash Williams
Ethnic Stringed Instruments: Amal Raj
Ethnic Wind Instruments: Jotham
Guitars: Amal Raj & Keba Jeremiah
Rhythm: Davidson Raja
Backing Vocals: Joel Thomasraj, Ramya NSK, Maxyn Kingston, Rohith Fernandes, Lawrence Satriani
Recorded and Mixed at Step 1 by Anish Aju

Videography: Samuel Timothy

Posters & Thumbnail Designs: Joshua Samuel @ AWE Creative Team

Special Thanks
Rev. Dr. Rajkumar Ignatius, Rev. Dr. Vanitha Rajkumar, Sam K Photography, Wilson E Paul, Joanna, Arun, & Lucas, Bro. Jokim & Sis. Benita, Bro. Sam & Sis. Aruna, Ps. Selvin Samuel & Family, Pastor Pratap Singh, Sis. Selvi Prakash. Divya, & Allan, and Becky.

2009 Adonai Album Cover design: Wilson E Paul

2010 Adonai Album Pictures: Sam K Photography

–It’s an AWE production–
Adonai Worship Experience
In awe of Christ,
Our Lord, our Adonai.

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Tamil Christian songs lyrics

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Arpana Sharon
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