Best Tamil Christmas Songs | O! Bethlehem|Jukebox |Jacintha Jayaseelan |Kirubavathi Daniel

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Best Tamil Christmas Songs | O! Bethlehem|Jukebox |Jacintha Jayaseelan |Kirubavathi Daniel

The album O! Bethlehem comprises of a cover of traditional Christmas hymns in Tamil and Christmas Ananda Geethangal.

Christmas Ananda Geethangal was composed, written and released as an audio CD in 1999 by Rev.S.Rajendran.
Vocals: Jacintha Jayaseelan & Kirubavathi Daniel
Musical Arrangement for Traditional Christmas Hymns: Fr.Denis Vaiz

Musical Arrangement for Christmas Ananda Geethangal: Bro.James Vasanthan, Bro.D.Augustine, Bro.Patrick, Bro.David Selvam

Special thanks to Christian Media Centre for producing song “Bethalai Munnanai”

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Kirubavathi Daniel
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