Enkooda Pesumaiya | Riyaspaul (Official PROMO) | Giftson Durai | 4K | Tamil Christian Song 2023

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Enkooda Pesumaiya | Riyaspaul (Official PROMO) | Giftson Durai | 4K | Tamil Christian Song 2023

#enkoodapesumaiya #Riyaspaul #tamilchristiansong2023 #GiftsonDurai #tamilchristiansongs #worshipsongs

Proclaiming HIM(Jesus) Alone

“மேகஸ்தம்பத்திலிருந்து அவர்களோடே பேசினார், அவர்கள் அவருடைய சாட்சிப்பிரமாணங்களையும் அவர் தங்களுக்குக் கொடுத்த கட்டளையையும் கைக்கொண்டார்கள்”

சங்கீதம் 99:7

” He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud;They kept His testimonies And the statute that He gave them”

Psalms 99:7 (KJV)

” தேவன் ஆபிரகாமோடே பேசிமுடிந்தபின்பு, அவர் அவனைவிட்டு எழுந்தருளினார்”

ஆதியாகமம் 17:22

” And He left off talking with him, and God went up from Abraham”

Genesis 17:22

Credits :-
Lyrics, Composed & Sung | Riyaspaul
Music Arranged & Produced | Giftson Durai
Violin | Akarsh Kashyap ( Unusual’s collective )
Flute | Ramesh (Unusual’s collective )
Melodyne | Sam Steven 
Recording Engineers | Giftson Durai.
Recorded at GD Records (Erode)
Mixed and Mastered | Giftson Durai
Filming & Video Editing (DoP) | Jones Wellington (Peekaboo Media)
Poster, Cover & Title Design | Prince Joel (PV studios)

Video Credits :-
Cinematography and editing | Jone Wellington
Second camera | Karthik
Assisted by | Franklin
Location incharge | Godwin

Available on GOD Music App & Amazon Music
Spotify : Streaming Soon
iTunes: Streaming Soon

For Feedback, Testimony Feel Free to Contact & Visit Riyaspaul’s Personal Website : http://www.riyaspaul.com/

Contact# +91 7418847149

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Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/riyas.paul.1
Instagram- https://instagram.com/riyaspaul?igshid=1nnomfc5ieh8m

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Tamil Christian songs lyrics

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