Ennesuve Ne Thannathellam Nanmakkai – Malayalam christian song lyrics

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En yeshuve en yeshuve
Nee thannadhelaam nanmekyaay (2)
Thumbangal eridilum
Vankaatu veeshidilum
Marubhovil chaaruvaan nin madhiye
Mamakaandha ne en jeevane

Nee en aasrayam Aaswasamenmum
Neerum Nerathil Alivulla Nadhan (2)
En Perkkai than jeevan nalkiya Naadha nin paadham en Aasrayam… En priyane

Bhaaram kezhumbol Neyente chaare
Jeevan nalkeedum neeyente thozan (2)
Alavilla krupakal en akathaaril pakaraa alivoode anayenamee….. En priyane

The Lyrics are the property and Copyright of the Original Owners Lyrics here are For Personal and Educational Purpose only! Thanks .

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