Enthan Kanmalai | Tamil Cover of Chattan | Sammy Thangiah | Prakruthi Angelina | Derick Samuel

Deal Score+28
Deal Score+28

Enthan Kanmalai | Tamil Cover of Chattan | Sammy Thangiah | Prakruthi Angelina | Derick Samuel


V1: Puyalin Mathiyil
Neer Nindridu Endreere
Neere En Sattuvam
En Nambikkai Neerae

Pre-ch: Kadantha Natkalil, Ennudane Iruntheer
Indrum En Arigil, En Koodave Vantheer
Varum Kalangalilum Neer Iruppeer

Ch: Yezhumbi Varum, Puyalgalile
Neere Enthan Kanmalai
Pongi Varum, Alaigalmele
Um Pathathin Suvadugale

V2: Vyathiyin mathiyil
Neer Yezhumbu Endreere
Yehovah Raapha
En Sugam Neeraneere

Bridge: Vyadhiye un Thalai Kunindhadhe
Enmele un Alugai Mudindhadhe
Ennai Yedhirka Koodiya Yethu
Ayuthangal Yethuvum Vaikadhe


Enthan Kanmalai | Tamil Cover of Chattan | Sammy Thangiah | Prakruthi Angelina | Derick Samuel

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