G12 Worship ~ All things New (Lyrics)
G12 Worship ~ All things New (Lyrics)
G12 Worship ~ All things New (Lyrics)
~ You make all things new…
have a good time listening to this song 🙂
• music meets heaven •
“…apart from You I have no good thing”
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» G12 Worship
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Lord I lay down my burdens, I lay down my strife
I am broken and weary, I’m in need of Your life
When my world is falling down Your promises remain
I will run to Your open arms I know there I am safe
You make all things new
All things new
You make all things new
All things new
Lord I give you my failures, I give you my doubts
You have come in Your mercy, You have lifted me out
By Your blood I overcome I know I’ll reach the end
Though I fall a thousand times You pick me up again
When I go through deep waters
You will be with me
When I walk through the fire
I will not burn
For You are the Lord my God
I won’t be afraid
For You are the Lord my God
You make all things new
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✘ music meets heaven is set to be a music blog mainly focusing on ‹ Christian › Music. We don’t restrict ourselves to a certain genre but are constantly in the search of #goodmusic for Jesus.#Matter