Hiyav Bandhenge | हियाव बाँधेंगे | HINDI CHRISTIAN SONG | FILADELFIA MUSIC

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Hiyav Bandhenge | हियाव बाँधेंगे | HINDI CHRISTIAN SONG | FILADELFIA MUSIC

Hiyav Bandhenge | हियाव बाँधेंगे | HINDI CHRISTIAN SONG | FILADELFIA MUSIC


हम हियाव बांधेंगे, दृढ़ होते जाएंगे…..
हम भय न खाएंगे, येशु संग हमारे है
हम हियाव बांधेंगे, दृढ़ होते जाएंगे…..
हम भय न खाएंगे, येशु संग हमारे है
कभी मन कच्चा ना होगा
संग तेरे बढ़ते जाएंगे
जहाँ जहाँ हम जाएंगे
प्रभु संग हमारे रहेगा

विश्वास योग्य खुदा
वायदों को ना भुलता
कभी ना तू बदलता
वचन को पूरा करता

तू ही है सच्चा खुदा

हम हियाव बांधेंगे, दृढ़ होते जाएंगे

जो कुछ तू हमसे कहेगा
उसे हम पूरा करेंगे
जहाँ तू हमे भेजेगा
वहाँ पर हम जाएंगे

दाए ना मुडेंगे

Hum hiyav bandhenge
Dhrudh hote jayenge
Hum bhay na khayenge
Yeshu sang humare hai

Kabhi mann kachcha na hoga
sang tere badte jayenge
jaha jaha hum jayenge
Prabhu sang humare rahega

Vishwasyogya khuda
Vaydo ka na bhulta
Kabhi na tu badlta
Vachan ko pura karta

Tu hi hai sachcha Khuda

Hum hiyav bandhenge
Dhrudh hote jayenge

Jo kuch tu humse kahega
Use hum pura karenge
Jaha tu hume bhejega
Vaha par hum jayenge

Daaye na baaye mudenge

Lyrics by: Filadelfia Music
Elvina Jinu, Iyob Mavchi,
Jayanti Anand, Joyson John,
Kezia Jose, Neelkant Digal,
Shalom Naik, Vinod Vasave

Bass Guitar – Nishant Choudhary
Dholak – Yahuna Bhatti
Guitar – Aliza Augustin
Harmonium – Michael Rolson
Tabla – Davis Jonathan

Programming, Mixing & Mastering: Shalom Naik
Flute: Jotham
Audio Recorded at Eternity Studios, Udaipur
Sound Engineer: Vinod Vasava/ Ashish Bumbadiya
Video Shoot: Eternity Studios
Video Editing: Dilesh Ahuja
CC: Eternity Studios, Udaipur
Project Coordinator: Neelkanth Digal

Stay Connected to Filadelfia Music
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3oSe9Ao
Facebook: Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/Filadelfiamusicinternational
Email: filadelfiamusic.udr@gmail.com

Eternity Studios:

Filadelfia Music exists to help you worship God in Spirit and in truth. An arm of the Filadelfia Fellowship Church of India, Filadelfia Music produces Hindi gospel music and Hindi Christian worship songs for the glory of God. Filadelfia Music believes that songs help you to worship but worship is more than songs or music, it is a 24/7 lifestyle and so is not to be limited to any space or stage. It is written, “Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31). As we do this it becomes our worship, and the sound of heaven resounds in our homes and our streets.

#hindichristiansong #ChristianSong
#JesusSong #FiladelfiaMusic #hiyavbandhenge

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Hindi Christian songs lyrics

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