In God’s green pastures feeding by His cool waters lie

Deal Score+1
Deal Score+1

1. In God’s green pastures feeding by His cool waters lie;
Soft in the evening walk my Lord and I,
All the sheep of His pasture
Fare so wondrously fine; His sheep am I

Waters cool, In the valley;
Pastures green, O n the mountain,
In the evening Walk my Lord and I.
Dark the night, In the valley,
Rough the way, On the mountain,
Step by step, My Lord and I.

2. Through the streets of the city in the darkness of the night,
Far from the fold, He heard my lonely cry.
Now I sit at His table in the palace of light;
His sheep am I.

Audio Engineers: Lemuel Singh | Santhosh Raj
Harmonica: Anu Selvin
Mandolin: Niresh Jayanth
Bass Guitar: Dr. Pradeep Christopher
Music Sequencing: Lemuel Singh
Mixing and Mastering: Capture n Color, Chennai
Recorded @ Eden Studios, Adambakkam

The Lyrics are the property and Copyright of the Original Owners Lyrics here are For Personal and Educational Purpose only! Thanks .
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