Nandriyodu Naan Thuthi Paaduven

Deal Score+1
Deal Score+1

Nandriyodu Naan Thuthi Paaduvaen
Endhan Yesu Rajane
Enakkaai Neer Seydhitta Nanmaikaai
Endrum Nandri Kooruvaen Naan

Sathiya Deivathin Yegamaindhanae
Visuvaasippen Ummaiyae
Varum Kaalam Muzhuvadhum
Um Kirubai Varangal Pozhindhidumae

Dhanyavaad ke saath stuti gaoonga
He yeeshu mere khuda
Upakaar tere hai beshumaar
Koti koti stuti dhanyavaad

Yogyata se badh ke diya
Hai apanee daya se toone mujhe
Maangane se jyaada mila mujhe
Aabhaaree hoon prabhu main

The Lyrics are the property and Copyright of the Original Owners Lyrics here are For Personal and Educational Purpose only! Thanks .
Thangamani S
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