NEER MARATHAVAR Lyrics – நீர் மாறாதவர்

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NEER MARATHAVAR Lyrics – நீர் மாறாதவர்

என் நேசர் நீரே
என் சுவாசமும் நீரே
என் தேவையும் நீரே


நீர் மாறாதவர் என்னை மறவாதவர்
உம் உள்ளங்கையில் என்னை வரைந்தவரே

1. தாய் தன் பிள்ளையை மறந்து
தகப்பன் தன் பிள்ளையை மறந்து
மறவாமல் நடத்தி வருபவர்
என் இயேசுவே…

2.உற்றார் உன்னை வெறுத்தாலும்
நண்பன் உன்னை ஒதுக்கினாலும்
மாறாத தேவன் உன்னை என்றும் நடத்திடுவார்

3.தேவையை தேடி போனேன்
மனுஷர்களை நாடி போனேன்
௭ன் வாழ்கையை நீரே வந்து

NEER MARATHAVAR Lyrics in English

En Neasar Neerae
En Swasamum Neerae
En Deavaiyum Neerae

Neer Marathavr Ennai Maravathavar
Um Ullangaliyil Ennai Varainthavarae

1.Thaai Than Pillaiyai Maranthu
Thagappan Than Pillaiyai maranthu
Maravamal Nadathi Varubavar
En Yesuvae

3.Uttaar Unnai Veruthalum
Nanban Unnai Othukkinaalum
Maaraatha Sevan Unnai Entrum Nadathiduvaar

3.Deavaiyai Theadi Ponean
Manusharkalai Naadi Ponean
En Vaalkaiyai Neerae Vanthu

என் நேசர் நீரே Song lyrics in English

Thou art my beloved.
You are my breath.
You are my need.
My everything

Thou hast not changed, thou hast not forgotten me.
You who drew me on your palm

1. Even a mother forgets her child
Even a Father forgets his son
The one who does not forget to lead
O my Jesus…

2. Even if your neighbor hates you
Even if a friend ignores you
The unchanging God will guide you forever

3. I went in search of the need
I went in search of men.
You have come to my life
Thou hast made it a miracle

By God’s grace I m releasing my second song . God has been so good and faithful to me. I wrote this song in 2019 that year Jesus has spoked through this verses Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever Hebrews 13:8 “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.”Isaiah 49:16 through this verses Jesus have been spoked to me and gave this song to me .He always exceeds our expectations. This song blessed me in my difficult times.I hope this song will bless & comforts you. This world may reject you but the LORD JESUS CHRIST will never reject & forsake you.

JESUS CHRIST loves you unconditionally. Whatever the situation is, He loves you, He will guide you. Dont get discouraged. Dont lose hope. People’s LOVE may change. His LOVE (JESUS) will never change. He loves you with an everlasting love. Let this song be a blessing to you.
All Glory to LORD JESUS CHRIST alone Amen

The Lyrics are the property and Copyright of the Original Owners Lyrics here are For Personal and Educational Purpose only! Thanks .
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