Stella Ramola – Rest In You

Deal Score+1
Deal Score+1

I stand in your presence
I wait to receive
The fullness of your majesty
Father, I’m ready
Come, fill me completely
Your presence is so sweet to me

God, I will rest in you
Your grace is enough for me
Open my eyes to see
Your wonders and glory revealed

In the middle of the darkness
Your light shines the brightest
Help me to show all your love
The blind eyes are opened
The dumb mouths can speak
Your wonders for all those who seek

God, I will rest in you
Your grace is enough for me
Open my eyes to see
Your wonders and glory revealed

My sin has been washed by your grace
I am pure
Now there is no room for fear
My worries, my weakness and shame
You’ve cast them out
Now I know, healing is here

God, I will rest in you
Your grace is enough for me
Open my eyes to see
Your wonders and glory revealed
God, I will rest

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