Ummai allamal | உம்மை அல்லாமல் | Tamil Christian Song | 4K | Jesus Redeems

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Ummai allamal | உம்மை அல்லாமல் | Tamil Christian Song | 4K | Jesus Redeems

Lyrics, Story & Executive Producer : Bro. Mohan C Lazarus

Special Thanks to :
Rt. Rev.Timothy Ravinder, CSI Bishop, Coimbatore
Mr. Titus, YWCA Anandagiri, Ooty
Rev. R. Sudhakar, CSI Wesley Church, Ketti
Bro. Christopher, Jesus Redeems, Ooty
Bro. Sivaraj, Minikin Mund, Ooty
Bro. Magesh, Messia Multi Speciality Clinic, Ooty
CSI Neethi Church, Kalhatti, Ooty
CSI Higher Secondary School, Ketti
CSI College of Engineering, Ketti
SM. Hospital, ooty
Zion AG Church Children’s home, ooty
Bro. Anish Samuel, Ketti
Bro. Edward Thompson, Chennai

Music Credits:
Singer: Smiruthi
Music arrangement, programming, Mix & Master by: Augustine Ponseelan R
Flute: Kiran
Sitar: Robert
Rhythm Programming : Davidson Raja
Intro RR Music & FX: AR Frank
Recorded at Jesus Redeems Audio Studio, Royapuram, Chennai

Video Featuring:
Baby: Sruthika, Ooty
Child Girl: Kaushika
Female Main Artiste: Jasmine
Child Boy: G. Kamlesh
Brother: Ranjith
Nun: Jayanthi Mala
Church Father: Subramanian
Bridegroom: Sam Jonathan

Production Crew:
Project Head: Rex Clement D
Direction & Video Editing: Jebastin Samuel
Production Coordinator: Abraham Harichandran
DOP: Joshua Duraipandi
Drone: Isaac Nathaniel, Ooty
Colour Grading: SB Francis
Visual Graphics: Ebenezer
Image Graphics: Akash & Prem
Production Crew: Jesus Redeems Media
Produced by: Jesus Redeems Ministries, Nalumavadi, Tuticorin District

©Copyrights of this video production and music composition are owned by Jesus Redeems Ministries. Tuticorin Dt. Unauthorized use of this song video production in any Digital Media platforms or any form will lead to copyrights strikes and legal proceedings.

Lyrics :
உம்மை அல்லாமல் எனக்கு யாருண்டு – 2
என் இயேசைய்யா அல்லேலூயா – 4

1. இன்பத்திலும் நீரே துன்பத்திலும் நீரே – 2
எவ்வேளையும் ஐயா நீர் தானே – 2

2. என் சிநேகமும் நீரே என் ஆசையும் நீரே – 2
என் எல்லாமே ஐயா நீர் தானே – 2

3. இம்மையிலும் நீரே மறுமையிலும் நீரே – 2
எந்நாளுமே ஐயா நீர் தானே – 2

#ummaiallamal #tamilchristiansong #jesusredeemsongs #tamilnewsong #tamilchristiansong2022

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Tamil Christian songs lyrics

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