WorshipMob – Adonai (Lyrics)

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WorshipMob – Adonai (Lyrics)

WorshipMob – Adonai (Lyrics)
Available on Apple Music/Spotify/Amazon Music: https://worshipmob.lnk.to/adonai​

• music meets heaven •
“…apart from You I have no good thing”

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» WorshipMob


Adonai (Lyrics)
You are worthy of all praise
My Lover, my King
All that I am cries out to You

אתה ראוי לכל שבח מלך שלי אהוב שלי
כל מה שבי קורא אליך

ata rauy lekol shevach melech sheli, ahuv sheli
kol ma shebi kore elecha

Pour it out, pour it out
We want the greater measure
Empty me, fill me up
Make me a vessel

Adonai x 4

Come like a wildfire
Burn up our idols

Come like a wildfire
Pour out revival

Come like a rushing water
Pour out revival

#worshipmob #adonai #musicmeetsheaven
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The Lyrics are the property and Copyright of the Original Owners Lyrics here are For Personal and Educational Purpose only! Thanks .
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