Yezhu swarangal | Praiselin Stephen X Johanson Stephen | Tamil Christian song

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Yezhu swarangal | Praiselin Stephen X Johanson Stephen | Tamil Christian song

Yezhu swarangal – is a christian classical song written and composed my dad Rev Kovai Stephen Joseph in 1990’s. It was first released in the Audio casettes back then with few other beautiful compositions. We couldn’t publish the same version since its almost 20+ years old. This is a reprise of the old song “Sangeetham nan paada as Yezhu swarangal”

The song says i will sing praises in 7 musical notes to the one who gave me the voice to sing praises. So grateful to God for giving us wonderful gift of singing & music and we dedicate it to the one and only Lord and Saviour.

Song Credits :

Produced by The Stephen’s productions
Lyrics & tune by Rev Kovai Stephen Joseph
Sung by Praiselin Stephen X Johanson Stephen
Music by Johanson Stephen (The stephen’s studios)
Vocals recorded at D7 studios

Video Credits :

Videography & Edits by Perfect flash photography
Costume : Praiselin Stephen (The UM Studios)

Special Thanks To,
Bro Kabilan (For veena)
Sis Surabhi ( For Jadhi)
Location : Update studios

#tamilchristiansongs #yezhuswarangal #gospelsongs #praiselinstephen #christiancarnaticsong

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Praiselin stephen
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